[ubuntu-uk] Still having problems with recovery......

jakewc2 jakewc2 at sky.com
Fri Jun 11 01:36:27 BST 2010

On 10 June 2010 22:39, Jim Price <d1version at hotmail.com> wrote:

> John Matthews wrote:
> > Ok, I dont know what else I can tell you.
> Post the contents of /boot/grub/grub.cfg
> The difference between the default boot line (which works, yes?) and the
> recovery line should only be the options at the end of the lines which
> specify the linux kernel and options. If you post the contents of the
> file, we can see what they are. The other details should be identical in
> a working setup, and what they point to must work if you can boot
> normally, so I'm guessing something is wrong in grub.cfg, otherwise you
> would get an error message or something other than a blank screen.
> You can test this out by replacing the "quiet splash" at the end of the
> boot option which works with "single" (quotes are only to indicate where
> the content is and are not part of what you should type). To do that you
> select the normal boot option and press the E key to edit it when you
> see the grub boot menu (the one where you have previously tried to
> select the recovery mode option). If you can change "quiet splash" to
> "single" and boot into recovery mode, then at least you can do whatever
> it is you want to do when you need recovery mode, and we have at least
> one clue as to what your problem might be. Report anything which you see
> in detail when trying this. It should be an entirely safe test, with no
> risk of damage to a system which can boot from the default entry.
> --
> JimP
Ok, I cant sleep, and have found that file you wanted,


Hope that helps.

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