[ubuntu-uk] Still having problems with recovery......

Alan Bell alan.bell at theopenlearningcentre.com
Thu Jun 10 23:10:09 BST 2010

John Matthews wrote:
> Yes I have tried using the answer system, and posting questions, but 
> havent been able to get an answer. I got told a couple of weeks ago 
> somebody on here had an answer, and was going to post a video to help. 
> But, as I posted earlier, nothing has been done, which is why a couple 
> of weeks later, I was asking again. To be told that your too busy, cause 
> your all volunteers. You will have to excuse me for being so pissed off, 
> seems to be the order of the day here.

can you provide links to the questions you asked please. I don't think
you have been told that people are too busy, however you were urged to
be patient when you complained at a lack of response within 12 hours.

Perhaps you could list the kernel versions that you have now, I believe
you mentioned that some have been removed.


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