[ubuntu-uk] Still having problems with recovery......

John Matthews jakewc2 at sky.com
Thu Jun 10 22:55:41 BST 2010

On 10/06/10 22:39, Chris Rowson wrote:
>> John Matthews wrote:
>>> Isnt it funny really, you are all too busy to answer an e-mail, because
>>> you are all volunteers, yet you arent too busy to chat quite avidly
>>> about games and things like that on IRC. From what I see that happens
>>> all day on IRC. No wonder you dont have the time.
>>> Yep, really helpful.
>>> John
>> I don't talk about games on IRC, there may be a channel about games but
>> I am not aware of such a thing. As I explained, a lack of response on
>> email could mean that nobody knows the answer to your question, it does
>> not necessarily indicate an overwhelming time pressure. If you want
>> interactive assistance then IRC is the better medium. If you have a
>> question to which there is an answer then email can work well.
>> Alan.
> Evening John,
> To be honest I haven't got a clue what's causing the problem. If you
> haven't already, you might want to try posting your question here:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu
> Cheers,
> Chris

What is the point of having IRC chat and this e-mail chat, when nobody 
is prepared to help. Its kind of really a piss take when you get threads 
that talk about changing the way support is given, but all you get is 
those same people can just barely post to take you to task, yet they 
cant be bothered to post to help.

Launchpad, well that is a joke too. You go through, and find out all the 
things that I have asked about on there, and you will find the same 
results as here, posts gone unanswered. So you will have to excuse me, 
if I dont bother.

The only reason I bother coming back is cause I cant not use Ubuntu, I 
just cant afford it to reformat everything. Believe me, I dislike doing 
this even more than you do.

If I could learn I would do it myself. I would even try to help. But I 
cant. So I am stuck.

Ubuntu User #30817

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