[ubuntu-uk] Still having problems with recovery......

John Matthews jakewc2 at sky.com
Thu Jun 10 19:08:45 BST 2010

On 10/06/10 08:20, John Matthews wrote:
> A couple of weeks ago, I posted about problems I was having, and one 
> of those was recovery, though the grub. Didnt matter what kernel I 
> clicked on it froze and nothing happened.
> This week, we had a partial upgrade, which cleaned up my grub for me, 
> removing all but two kernels. Problem is, I tried to see if I could  
> get the recovery bit to work, and it still freezes.
> Somebody posted they would make up a vid on how to get the recovery 
> thing working. Does anybody know how I can get it working?
> Thanks.
> John

Ok, I posted this almost 12 hours ago, I just wondered can somebody help 


Ubuntu User #30817

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