[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu in Business - London, July 13th

Alan Bell alan.bell at theopenlearningcentre.com
Wed Jun 9 10:10:53 BST 2010

Hi all,

One of the LoCo events that we have been talking about and planning for
a while is a event with a more businesslike feel to it, something where
I should be getting up in the morning and not wondering "should I wear a
Tshirt from ThinkGeek or one from shop.ubuntu.com?", but "should I wear
a tie?". We have a great venue provided by James "selinuxium" Thomas,
Canonical have kindly offered to meet the cost of some nibbles and we
have a really strong lineup of speakers and demos. Registration opens
today at http://bit.ly/UbuntuBusiness and as this is about introducing
Ubuntu to new people please bring someone from work along with you,
perhaps the boss, perhaps someone who works in IT and hasn't yet had an
opportunity to use Ubuntu. Finally, please spread the word about this.


The Ubuntu UK community and Canonical, the commercial sponsors of
Ubuntu, would like to invite you to a very different type of IT event.
The Ubuntu operating system for the desktop and server has made
significant inroads into UK businesses over the last 5 years. Often it
is driven there by the enthusiasm of individuals from the community who
use Ubuntu for their personal computing and see the advantages it can
bring to the workplace. This event gives those advocates an opportunity
to introduce their colleagues to Ubuntu, Canonical, Partners, community
experts and their fellow IT professionals. Attendees will learn how
Ubuntu is being deployed in the UK and discover how they can introduce
or extend this technology safely and effectively within their organisation.

All are welcome, but if you already count yourself as an Ubuntu user,
please drag along a colleague who has yet to see the light!

*1pm - Welcome *

An introduction to Ubuntu and our community.

*1.20 - Ubuntu in action*

A selection of case studies of companies using Ubuntu to enhance their
*/Oxford Archaeology/*

Chris Puttick, Chief Information Officer, will explain how one of the
largest independent archaeology and heritage practices in Europe, with
over 400 specialist staff, took the strategic decision to adopt an open
source infrastructure with Ubuntu at the heart of it.

*/Emphony Technologies/*

A start-up software company producing engineering project management and
workflow tools for decided to deploy Ubuntu as its infrastructure, find
out how they got on and their plans for the future.

*1.40 - Open Mic*

Ubuntu partners and community members (perhaps including you!) tell us
how they use Ubuntu in a business context. There will be 5 minute slots
with strict timekeeping! 

*2.15 - Demonstrations, food and networking*

Grab some nibbles and see a selection of demonstrations and hands on
workshops featuring:

    * Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (Amazon EC2 compatible cloud computing
      wherever you want it)
    * Landscape Systems Management for Ubuntu
    * Ubuntu Server Edition
    * Social Media for the workplace with Wordpress and Ubuntu
    * Quick, cheap, easy, low-risk and fun ways to get started with Ubuntu
    * Ingres, an enterprise class open source database
    * Alfresco document and content management

*4.00 - Ubuntu Advantage*

The new services from Canonical designed to give your business an edge
in its open source strategy.

*4.15 - Panel Discussion*

A panel with members drawn from Canonical, partners and the community
chaired by author and journalist Glyn Moody
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glyn_Moody> and loosely following the
theme of "The Benefits and Pitfalls of an Open Source Strategy".

*5.00 - Late*

Attendees are encouraged to stay on, sample an Ubuntini
at the bar, have a chat and enjoy the comedy night
by the venue itself.

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