[ubuntu-uk] [OT] Learn Linux with CompTIA and LPI

Neil Perry nperry at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 09:40:49 BST 2010

Thanks for the heads up on this, very good opportunity.

For those that haven't dropped Facebook of course.

I've posted a blog post on this and put it on Identica, just to let everyone

Neil Perry

On 8 June 2010 09:25, Bill Quinn <bill.quinn at linuxit.com> wrote:

>  Normally I wouldn’t post this to the Ubuntu List – however as LPI /
> Linux+ certification was mentioned recently on this list and this is a free
> competition I thought some people may be interested.
> CompTIA recently announced the revamp of the Linux certification in
> partnership with the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) to become CompTIA
> Linux+ Powered by LPI. Under this innovative program, candidates who
> undertake and pass the CompTIA Linux+, Powered by LPI certification, also
> become certified in LPIC-1 as well, enabling further participation in the
> LPI programme if the candidate chooses.
> To promote our partnership, we are delighted to announce another
> competition where one lucky individual will win a free Sybex CompTIA Linux+
> Powered by LPI study guide as well as a free Pearson VUE exam
> voucher to get certified!
> To enter, simply click here,
> http://www.comptia.org/global/en-GB/misc/linuxpluslpi.aspx and fill in the
> form as well as answer the following question: What date was the Linux
> kernel made open to the public? Remember, you’ve got to be over 18 years of
> age, live in the UK and be a member of the CompTIA UK Facebook Page. You can
> only enter once and the answer must be correct. CompTIA’s decision is final!
> Competition closes at the end of this month so submit you’re form today!
> Bill Quinn
> Partner Manager
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