[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server Install

Chris Rowson christopherrowson at gmail.com
Mon Jun 7 20:49:18 BST 2010

>> Hey ladies & gents,
>> I've been trying to install Ubuntu Lucid Server onto a XEN HVM based
>> VPS and have come across a strange problem.
>> Using the Ubuntu 10.04 i386 DVD I highlighted 'install ubuntu in text
>> mode' and selected the 'install a server' option. I then went through
>> the installer selecting default options (except choosing a standard
>> partition layout instead of LVM) and finished up the installation by
>> leaving all of the server setup options like 'setup a LAMP server' etc
>> deselected  (thus leaving only a core system install on the VPS).
>> Upon logging into the newly installed system (and I've done this twice
>> now) I find that the server is running a generic rather than a server
>> kernel. Running sudo apt-get install linux-server and rebooting
>> doesn't seem to replace the kernel either.
>> Any ideas where I may have gone wrong? :-S
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Chris
> Hello Chris,
> You may not have gone wrong at all.  According to the dependencies for
> linux-image-server it depends on a package linux-image-generic-pae which
> installs the latest linux-generic-pae image.
> Are you running the linux-image-generic or the linux-image-generic-pae.  If
> you see the grub menu at boot up, what images are displayed in the kernel
> list?  Is the one you want at the top?
> I think either shift or space key displays grub if it is not shown as the
> system boots.
> There also seems to be separate packages for kernel running as a virtual
> guest, linux-image-virtual.  Maybe that is a more appropriate image for
> running on Xen, I am afraid I dont know at present.
> --
> John Stevenson
> jr0cket.com
> leanagilemachine.com

Hi John,

It is running the linux-generic-pae kernel. I wanted the server kernel
as I was worried that the generic one might have kernel preemption
turned on.

I'm not an expert in this, but I believe that Xen HVM (where
virtualisation is done in hardware) doesn't require that the guest has
a modified kernel.



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