[ubuntu-uk] Aptitude

Dave Morley davmor2 at davmor2.co.uk
Mon Jun 7 15:41:39 BST 2010

On Mon, 2010-06-07 at 12:19 +0100, Rowan Berkeley wrote:
> On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 11:51:19 +0100, Tony Arnold
> <tony.arnold at manchester.ac.uk> wrote:
> > On 07/06/10 11:22, Neil Perry wrote:
> > > That is what I don't understand either, typically I thought if 
> > > debian would be adopting that apt-get will be getting phased out. 
> > > Unless Ubuntu devlopers maintain apt-get.
> > 
> > Maybe it's a size thing and squeezing what they can on to the CD.
> > aptitude is 2.1MB on my system compared to 115KB for apt-get. I never
> > use it but aptitude will run as a curses application allowing
> > you to select and deselect packages. Which may explain it's size. I
> > tend to use it as a direct alternative to apt-get. Regards, Tony.
> A curses application? Damn, that sounds useful. Maybe I can find the
> space ;-) Rowan
This is down to the fact that currently we have 5 packaging services.  I
believe that it will still be installed on server as it has no gui
counterpart.  but between dpkg, apt-get, synaptic and software center I
think we have enough for the desktop.

That being said I tend to use aptitude over apt-get just cause it fits
in my head easier even though I don't use cli that much now on desktop.
Seek That Thy Might Know

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