[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Site Rebranding - Mockups

Liam Wilson liamwilson93 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 6 00:32:59 BST 2010

Just my tuppence;

If the podcast team have decided on a (quite frankly, awesome) design, then
would it not be a good idea to make the Ubuntu-UK website coherent with
I mean, currently, the Podcast is run by members of the UK team, and is
featured prominently on the first page of the website, but when it is
clicked on, it brings you to a completely different website, and to me,
personally, it just feels a bit messy to have 2
completely different designs.

Of course, there will be elements of the website that will change, such as
the colour scheme, and content, etc, but elements such as the navigation
buttons and general layout of pages should, in my opinion, stay the same.

But that's just my thoughts.

Liam (wilsonliam)
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