[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu/New Technology Event

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Jun 4 14:17:14 BST 2010

On 04/06/10 13:49, Rhys Morgan wrote:
> Hi All,
> This is pretty much a call for help. I have this morning been confronted
> with a couple of opportunities which add up to the makings of a good
> Ubuntu event.
<snip />

We ("The Alans" of The Open Learning Centre) would almost certainly be 
delighted to help. Off the top of my head we could talk about:

* a school which save a shedload of money by using Linux on low power 
(Atom Revo) based hardware.

* the myriad of interesting and useful OSS Business Apps that are available

* low-power appliance-based server solutions

OSS and Education fit together like a hand and glove :-)

Most important bit for us is dates so we can schedule time to both be 
there and prepare. We are in Farnham, Surrey so Fareham isn't too far away.



The Open Learning Centre

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