[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Site Rebranding - Mockups

Byte Soup bytesoup at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 15:15:18 BST 2010


On 3 June 2010 13:31, micheal harker <micheal.harker at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ubuntu UK Team!
> Last Night in the meeting It was decided we are going to re-brand
> ubuntu-uk.org so I have made some mockups. Each Mocup has different ideas
> but with similar layouts.
> Mockup 1: http://www.michealh.co.cc/ubuntu/ubuntu-uk/mockup1.png
> Mockup 2: http://www.michealh.co.cc/ubuntu/ubuntu-uk/mockup2.png
> Mockup 3: http://www.michealh.co.cc/ubuntu/ubuntu-uk/mockup3.png
> Mockup 4: http://www.michealh.co.cc/ubuntu/ubuntu-uk/mockup4.png
> Mockup 5: http://www.michealh.co.cc/ubuntu/ubuntu-uk/mockup5.png
> Mockup 6: http://www.michealh.co.cc/ubuntu/ubuntu-uk/mockup6.png
> lets narrow it down to 3 ideas. I will make live demos of the Site then we
> will vote for the final one.
> Micheal H
> #1 is the one Id prefer. The others the text seems grainy, but it might
just be me


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