[ubuntu-uk] EXT3 or EXT4

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Mon Jul 19 13:53:46 BST 2010

On 19/07/10 13:27, Tony Travis wrote:
> On 16/07/10 21:18, Rob Beard wrote:
>> [...]
>> Is the Extents where it allocates space for big files?  (I found
>> something about this when googling about EXT4).
>> I wonder too if it's possible to go back to EXT3 from EXT4 like it is
>> possible to go back from EXT3 to EXT2 (how I understand it, EXT3 is EXT2
>> with journalling).
> Hello, Rob.
> Tyler has already answered your question about extents, and I also think
> you would be best to avoid converting your ext3 filesystems unless you
> have no alternative.
> I was faced with a similar situation with our ext3 filesystems, but I
> decided to backup, reformat as ext4 and restore. Although this was more
> work than converting ext3, I think it is worth it in the longer term.
> HTH,
>     Tony.

Yep thinking about it I agree with what you said.  Okay it took a long 
time to backup (I left it running overnight) but the actual restore 
didn't take half as long and my machine is much snappier now.


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