[ubuntu-uk] Non-technical events?

pmgazz pmgazz at gmx.co.uk
Mon Jul 19 13:21:32 BST 2010

Environmental events are good, foreground stuff like how to refurbish 
their XP kit and keep perfectly good electronic kit out of landfill . . .


On 19/07/10 11:53, Alan Pope wrote:
> Hey!
> We seem to be quite good at turning up to technical events such as LUG
> meetings, technical conferences and other self-organised events and
> telling everyone how great Ubuntu is. However we seem to spend a lot
> of time preaching to the converted, speaking to people who already run
> Ubuntu or some other distro, rather than 'converting' people who have
> little or no exposure to Ubuntu.
> Amber Graner recently wrote about her experience evangelising and
> advocating at a local Goat Festival. She was also interviewed about
> this on the Full Circle Magazine podcast recently.
> http://akgraner.com/?p=471
> http://fullcirclemagazine.org/2010/07/15/full-circle-podcast-10-trawling-the-internet-for-a-goat-festival/
> When I heard about this it made me think that it's something we should
> think about. Not specifically Goat festivals, but non-technical
> events. I wanted to canvass the group to see what events people might
> want to have a presence at. I'm not (at this point) asking for
> volunteers, but just ideas of events where people go and we might be
> able to have a stand where we could talk to people about Ubuntu and
> how they might want to use it.
> These could be non-technical business events, they might relate to a
> specific sector such as education, or they could be cultural events
> like festivals. Anything goes really. I'll start the ball rolling with
> a fairly generic example that pretty much anyone here can do:-
> Village Fêtes - these attract families from all walks of life, and
> would be a great opportunity to have a public stand at little or no
> cost to run. Other attractions could include simple games (always
> popular at Fêtes) with prizes perhaps donated by community members,
> sponsors or (if willing/possible) Canonical. With summer coming it
> would be a great opportunity to get geeks _outside_ in the sunshine
> and show off what we have to offer.
> What events local to you would you like to see a stand at?
> I also posted this on my blog where there may be other suggestions.
> http://popey.com/blog/2010/07/19/ubuntu-at-non-technical-events/
> Cheers,
> Al.
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