[ubuntu-uk] Setting up a mailing system

ian pettitt ian.pettitt at bbsrc.ac.uk
Thu Jul 8 12:27:33 BST 2010

On 08/07/10 12:02, Daniel Case wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have a VPS running Ubuntu 10.04 on which i need to set up a mailing
> system, so it can send and recieve emails through PHP, however i am
> having a little rpoblem with the way Google is telling me to do it...one
> tutorial is from Ubuntu 8.04 and will not work...
> So if there is anyone experienced in this field, would they mind giving
> me a hand?
> Dan

I forward email from my server to my ISP smtp account to send emails 
using PHP. I can't help with receiving emails as I haven't needed to do 

To send emails using PHP, I first install postfix, during the 
installation you have to answer some questions.

type = ‘internet site’; mail name = ‘<your isp smtp server>’

You then need to set up forwarding mail so emails sent using PHP get 
forwarded through to the smtp server

Forward the rootmail to your local account:

* Typ: sudo vi /root/.forward
* Typ username at localhost (your username and your localhostname!) <enter>

Forward your local mail to the external account

* Typ: vi /home/username/.forward
* Typ the external email address <enter>


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