[ubuntu-uk] Just noticed something..not sure if its an error.....

Matt Wheeler m at funkyhat.org
Thu Feb 18 17:29:16 GMT 2010

On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 17:25 +0000, Sean Miller wrote:
> Traditionally in Unix "$" denoted user, "#" denoted root.
> Dunno how it works in Linux because in Ubuntu I tend to use "sudo"
> rather than logging in directly, though I'd guess if I were in as root
> I'd get a "#" prompt rather than a "$" one - others can clarify
> whether this is actually the case.

It is the case, assuming you are using the standard bash $PS1. It might
be different if you've customised your prompt or are using a different

Matt Wheeler
m at funkyhat.org
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