[ubuntu-uk] Karmic won't boot with digital projector connected

Graham Smith myotisone at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 08:59:47 GMT 2010

Well, the good news is that grandr worked.

Booted up, plugged in the projector, ran the "Multiple Screens"
(grandr) option from the menu and it showed the projector (VGA) as an
option, which I activated.

Thanks for every ones help.

I'm glad it ended up that simple.


On 15 February 2010 13:26, Graham Smith <myotisone at gmail.com> wrote:
> Bruno,
>> The way I did it last week on a ThinkPad T42 was to plug in the
>> projector to the VGA port, then go to System -> Preferences -> Display.
>> I will show a second monitor called "Unknown" and will enable you to
>> switch it on. It will then advise that it needs to enable something
>> (can't remember what, maybe randr) and will ask you to log out and log
>> in again. Once you log in again, the second monitor is operational, you
>> can set refresh rate, resolution, rotation for it and whether you want
>> it to mirror the laptop monitor. From that point on, it should all work
>> and you should then be able to enable an external monitor or projector
>> in a few clicks whenever you need to.
> Thanks, that sounds promising, and seems to tie in with the grandr
> option. I will try this out tomorrow.
> Graham

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