[ubuntu-uk] Corrupted User Accounts?

Kris Douglas krisdouglas at gmail.com
Mon Dec 20 15:28:20 GMT 2010

On 20 December 2010 15:26, Matthew Wild <mwild1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't know about anyone else on this list, but I've never seen such
> corruption as we're discussing. Sure it can happen in theory, e.g. I
> could open the system file up in my text editor (if I have root
> access) and write some gibberish there. Otherwise I'm not sure how it
> would happen - poorly coded software running as root could do it, but
> I've never encountered such software that would write to e.g.
> /etc/passwd.

I would have to agree, I was speaking absolutely in theory, the reason
I know little about this is that I simply have never had it happen to
me. So long as you back up your documents and other customised things
to a DVD or USB drive then you should be perfectly safe.

Regards, Kris Douglas.
 T. 0845 004 2066 | M. 07728574285

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