[ubuntu-uk] Problems with CR2 files from a Canon 60D

Bruno Girin brunogirin at gmail.com
Sun Dec 19 21:52:12 GMT 2010

On Sun, 2010-12-19 at 14:21 +0000, Vince Marsters wrote:
> As you suggested in your previous post, I believe it is related to the
> libraw library and since Canon had to release a new version of the
> Windows RAW codec to support the 60D I really do think it could be a
> compatibility problem with a slightly changed file format (or the files
> being nearly twice the size of the 1000D ones I had used in the past).
> The versions I am using are
> Ubuntu - 10.10
> Shotwell - 0.7.2-1~maverick1
> Libraw-dev - 0.9.1-1

It looks like support for the 60D was added in libraw 0.11.2, which you
can get here: http://www.libraw.org/download#stable

You'll have to compile from source but it uses the classic GNU autotools
steps so it is straightforward. Download the LibRaw-0.12.0.tar.gz file
from the web site and then do the following:

tar zxvf LibRaw-0.12.0.tar.gz
cd LibRaw-0.12.0
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

(the last step may not be necessary but it doesn't harm)

It will install the updated library in /usr/local so that it doesn't
overwrite the system one. If you want to remove it, go back to the
directory where you unpacked it and do:

sudo make uninstall

The next step is to ask the nice MOTU to upgrade libraw for Natty :-)



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