[ubuntu-uk] Problems with CR2 files from a Canon 60D

Vince Marsters vince at marsters.co.uk
Sat Dec 18 22:02:05 GMT 2010

Thanks for the reply. I actually meant I tried ufraw not ucraw but looking into it further I wonder if it is because the 60D is new and the format has changed slightly so is not supported.


Sent from my HTC

----- Reply message -----
From: "Colin Law" <clanlaw at googlemail.com>
To: "UK Ubuntu Talk" <ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: [ubuntu-uk] Problems with CR2 files from a Canon 60D
Date: Sat, Dec 18, 2010 21:55

On 18 December 2010 21:40, Vince Marsters <vince at marsters.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I thought I would ask here in case anyone has any suggestions (you are
> such a knowledgeable group).
> I am trying to edit some raw format pictures taken on my Canon EOS 60D
> camera but in have got problems opening them in anything but image
> viewer (Eye of Gnome). I have tried Shotwell, Rawtherapee, Rawstudio,
> UCRaw and Darkroom but they all give a thin magenta tinged image which
> is only part of the real picture. I have created a screenshot showing
> the same image opened in RawStudio, Shotwell and Image Viewer -
> http://marsters.co.uk/images/rawproblems1.png. As you can see, only
> Image Viewer shows the right image.
> I am trying very hard not to have to resort to using my Windows PC for
> image editing as this is one of the few remaining tasks I cannot do in
> Ubuntu. Unfortunately image editing is very resource intensive and
> running Photoshop Elements or Lightroom in a VirtualBox VM was painfully
> slow.
> Can anyone suggest anything I could try to resolve please?

Have you tried ufraw, either standalone or there is a gimp importer I
believe.  Search for ufraw in synaptic package manager.  I have not
actually tried them personally so that is about as far as I can go.


ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com
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