[ubuntu-uk] (no subject)

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Wed Dec 8 21:03:41 GMT 2010

On 08/12/10 20:36, Jacob Mansfield wrote:
> somebody wanna flame this guy, I'm too tired
> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ubuntu-10-10-Latest-Desktop-Netbook-Server-Ed-/110614591450?pt=UK_Computing_Software_Software_SR&hash=item19c124b7da
> <http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ubuntu-10-10-Latest-Desktop-Netbook-Server-Ed-/110614591450?pt=UK_Computing_Software_Software_SR&hash=item19c124b7da>
> Jacob Mansfield
> Programmer


He's perfectly within his rights to sell copies of Ubuntu.


If anything it might be considered handy for those folks who say are on 
slow broadband (or dialup connections) or those with low download 
allowances who don't have easy access to someone who can download it and 
burn it on to CD for them.


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