[ubuntu-uk] Want to create an advert for Ubuntu?

Will Bickerstaff will.bickerstaff at gmail.com
Mon Dec 6 21:36:08 GMT 2010

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 12:41 AM, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have no idea what "FruitLoops" is. AutoCAD I can believe would be
> difficult, but then, the only way to open an AutoCAD file is to have a
> copy of AutoCAD, isn't it? IOW, 99.99% of Windows PCs can't open
> AutoCAD files anyway.
> FruitLoops is a virtual studio.

No you don't need AutoCAD to open AutoCAD files on windows, there are plenty
of alternatives for windows users progeCAD Smart
http://www.progesoft.com/en/smart-2009 DoubleCAD XT
http://www.doublecad.com/Products/DoubleCADXTv3/tabid/1100/Default.aspx to
name a couple are freely available for personal use and are pretty feature
rich drafting apps. For viewing there are literally hundreds of free capable
applications (AutoCADs own trueview is freely available). For linux I have
yet to find anything freely available that can open a native AutoCAD dwg
file and display it anything like correctly. AutoCAD is the sole reason I
still have XP in a VM.

I agree, we need to be honest. Theres no point saying 100% compatible when
it isn't. Obviusly don't make an ad that says Linux sucks for architects and
studios. Just make noise about what it's good at. I think an ad just needs
to make people aware of the OS and how to go find out if it will work for
them. IMHO ad about free (for life), security (but don't say virus free),
performance, and community - people are loving anything social at the
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