[ubuntu-uk] Vote Results!

Philip Stubbs philip at stuphi.co.uk
Tue Aug 31 13:18:20 BST 2010

On 31 August 2010 12:24, Alan Bell <alan.bell at theopenlearningcentre.com> wrote:
> There were 85 voters and the results in order of the options are:
> so in order of popularity that is:
> 8) 58 full height k with hyphen
> Making this the most popular logo option:
> http://pollka.libertus.co.uk/pics/full/logo14.svg (don't worry about the
> 14 in the URL, that means nothing)

Typical! One that I did not vote for. That goes to show how much I know. :-)

Well done for organising the vote.

Philip Stubbs

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