[ubuntu-uk] Preventing a hack attempt

Jacob Mansfield cyberjacob at gmail.com
Sat Aug 28 16:53:50 BST 2010

how do I do that?

On 28 August 2010 15:30, Matthew Macdonald-Wallace <
matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk> wrote:

> Quoting Jacob Mansfield <cyberjacob at gmail.com>:
> > I have vnc to my servers, but it's locked down to my work and internal
> home
> > addresses only using firestarter. would this be an option for you?
> Tunnel the VNC over ssh - it's more secure and it makes it much harder
> for someone to sniff the traffic.
> M.
> --
> Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
> matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
> http://www.truthisfreedom.org.uk/
> --
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