[ubuntu-uk] Fed-up with VMWare!

David King linuxman at avoura.com
Fri Aug 27 12:47:48 BST 2010

I stopped using VMware a while back and have been using VirtualBox since 
then, with many distros installed as virtual machines. It's great. 
VirtualBox originally was not as good as VMware but it has improved so 
much as to be a real mainstream product.

And it can work with vmware files too.

Good luck with VirtualBox. You can also download virtualbox VDI disk 
images of linux distros from sites like http://virtualboxes.org and 

David King

Cornelius Mostert wrote:
> Hi all.
> Just to let you know I am FED-UP with VMWare - Server!!
> I have been wrestling with it on Ubuntu and other distros for TOOOOO 
> long now!!
> The latest is just the final straw!!
> I have redone my PC to have 10.4 on and loaded VMServer on (with all 
> the patches!! I found on the internte to get it installed), but then 
> the Console could not be used to open VMs and had to use RDC / VNC etc.
> I have followed numerous "fixes" but none seem to work:
> Downgrade Firefox from 3.6.xx to 3.5.xx did not work
> Extracting and installing the remote console separately did not work
> ETC.
> And then with every new version of FF or Linux kernals / headers you 
> have to hope and pray all will reconfigure!!!
> Now I am switching to VirtualBox! Hopefully this will provide a 
> solution, I am a GUI person so KVM is still a bit too much for me if 
> you have to every time make use of a CLI, I guess there are GUIs for 
> it but VirtualBox seems to be easy enough to not take too much time of 
> my daily routine.
> The big box still run ESXi though...
> -- 
> _________________________________________
> Cornelius Mostert
> Senior IT Specialist
> United Kingdom: 075 2233 4818
> International: 0044 75 2233 4818

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