[ubuntu-uk] (Marketing) Royal Society asks you - why IT is boring?

Dianne Reuby pramclub at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Aug 26 09:16:46 BST 2010

Perhaps they haven't looked at the GCSE curriculum - I've been a
computer-holic for almost 40 years, and it sent me into a coma of

Also, most experts or enthusiasts I think still prefer to do IT rather
than teach it. 

My daughter had 5 IT teachers in one year - one took their coursework to
Australia when he left, so she got very low marks. The next year I told
her brother to email his coursework to me from school - needless to say,
he didn't bother, the system crashed, no backup, no coursework, he too
got very low marks. For my third child, it was very much a case of
"You've got a free period - go and teach GCSE IT!" And this was in a
school which is one of the very best in our town, and which I'd
recommend to anyone - except for IT.

And yet it can be exciting, school visits love looking at the old
machines, looking at how components and machines work, putting pieces
together, learning about the impact on business, on our social lives.

Darn, this has turned into a rant. But I do find it so depressing!


On Thu, 2010-08-26 at 07:10 +0100, alan c wrote:
> or nearly that, anyway.....
> Article:
> Royal Society opens inquiry into why kids hate tech
> Lessons that is, not games, mobiles, Facebook:
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/08/25/royal_society_schools_computing/
> 'exam results have shown computing subjects are failing to grab kids' 
> attention'

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