[ubuntu-uk] Logo selection

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Sat Aug 21 23:20:40 BST 2010

On 21/08/10 22:48, Alan Bell wrote:
> We have discussed a number of logo designs which might work for the team.
> Now we need to choose one to put forward for approval. I am putting together
> a vote page at http://pollka.libertus.co.uk can you let me know if you want
> any other options added. I will turn on the vote function on tuesday and let
> it run for a week.

I only comment here on the branding guidelines on the use of the 
circular logo.

Summary of my understanding is that the roundal must have a certain 
minimum space around it, not be crowded by a boundary.

in particular the exclusion zone surrounding the roundal

and the document
Ubuntu brandmark and circle of friends.pdf

and see the page
Exclusion zone The brandmark 00

I happen to be aware of this esoteric but significant detail because I 
designed a car window flag comprising the roundal, although I have not 
followed it up.


alan cocks
Ubuntu user

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