[ubuntu-uk] Code management systems

Stephen Garton sheepeatingtaz at gmail.com
Thu Aug 19 16:24:12 BST 2010

On 19 August 2010 14:09, Cornelius Mostert
<corneliusmostert at googlemail.com>wrote:

> Hi
> The company I work for has outgrown their Change Management Solution. They
> have developers in US, Canada, India and maybe soon in China and I was
> wondering what solutions are there for:
>    1. a global development market, it needs to be fast and I guess it will
>    be web based.
>    2. it would be best if it could track the change/bug detail right down
>    to the file version that has been changed ( the current solution keeps
>    Change objects and file objects and connect the 2 on a version level so you
>    could go back and get al the files (and correct version of the file) done
>    for a change OR look at a file version and see what change objects link to
>    it)
> <snip>

Hi Cornelius,

Not sure how much is relevant to your situation, but here is how we do it:

We use git over ssh, managed on a central server using gitosis (
http://eagain.net/gitweb/?p=gitosis.git but available in the ubuntu
repositories). Gitosis also makes user management for small teams easy.

We use redmine (http://www.redmine.org/) for our issue tracking system which
ties in with git, so that we can use things like "refs #1234" to link a git
commit to an issue (or even "fixes #1234" to close it). It also has a
repository browser built in.

A couple of developers are using eclipse as their IDE with the Mylyn (
http://www.eclipse.org/mylyn/) which also links in with both redmine and git
to enable them to manage their work queue and do all their work in one

The other useful bit of software I have found useful for git is giggle (
http://live.gnome.org/giggle) which is just a GUI for browsing local git

Hope That Helps

Steve Garton
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