[ubuntu-uk] Oracle sues Google over Java

David King linuxman at avoura.com
Fri Aug 13 14:23:31 BST 2010

I had a bad feeling about Oracle taking over Sun. I think that Oracle's 
goal is to make money, and it continues to develop and make available 
the free stuff that it inherited from Sun only because there would be an 
outcry if they started charging for VirtualBox and OpenOffice.org.

Any company that stoops to sue another has already lost its way.

David King

Bruce Beardall wrote:
> For those who don't already know, Oracle has decided to sue Google for 
> using Java, somehow missing the whole "Java is Open Source" idea. Is 
> this what Oracle had in mind when buying Sun? An IP cash cow?
> Details here: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/08/13/oracle_sues_google/
> Regards
> Bruce

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