[ubuntu-uk] Apps for kids

Jonathon Fernyhough j.fernyhough at gmail.com
Sun Aug 8 01:22:48 BST 2010

On 6 August 2010 21:18, Chris Rowson <christopherrowson at gmail.com> wrote:
> The club is based in a church and doesn't have Internet access, so I wonder
> if anyone can suggest what kind of stuff I should put on this laptop that
> might be interesting for the kids to play with.


Scratch: http://scratch.mit.edu/
Exceptional Squeak-based animation/programming software. First spotted
it when it was released back in 2005 and have used it every year

You might also look at Hackety Hack for those who are interested in
programming as a nice introduction to Ruby:
Looks like it's undergoing some changes but it should still be OK.


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