[ubuntu-uk] Moan -- Top Posting (was "Apps for kids")

William Anderson neuro at well.com
Sat Aug 7 20:50:07 BST 2010

On 7 Aug 2010, at 09:40, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
> [top posting snippage]
> This topic is one of a list of topics that [a] will never be resolved, and [b] 
> is doomed to be continually brought up. We used to call this "netiquette", but 

Some of us still do call it netiquette.

> that very antiquated idea is, well, dead. Squashed under the weight of 
> millions of people who got online faster than people like yourself could 
> educate them. Topics like this are the undead remains of such lofty ideas.

If only there were a dedicated band of people determined enough to spread the idea of logical discussion around the world, and to demonstrate the "better" nature of replying to messages.

> You cannot change the world. You can change yourself. You'll be happier if you 
> just deal with the fact that some people prefer to top post, and won't change.

So maybe we should just change ourselves to use Windows, as this "Linux" thing will clearly never take off under the weight of millions of people who buy computers pre-loaded with Windows faster than people like ourselves can apply distros to them.  Maybe free and open source software projects are the undead remains of such lofty ideas.  Or maybe it's RMS' tasty tasty toe jam, I'm not sure.


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