[ubuntu-uk] loco logo
Alan Pope
alan at popey.com
Mon Aug 2 13:38:10 BST 2010
On 2 August 2010 13:28, Alan Lord (News) <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 02/08/10 13:08, pmgazz wrote:
>> Looks good - have you tried bolder type, might be more striking?
> No, but it's an SVG, open it with Inkscape and have a play ;-)
> There were no other comments so I'm not sure if it was that popular.
> Mind you there were no "Ewweeuuurrrghh" so maybe it was just "OK"?
If we're offering opinions... The bike shed should be blue!
More constructively however, I don't like the idea of replacing dash
with dot, the team name is "ubuntu-uk" and changing that to
"ubuntu.uk" adds confusion IMO.
I also am not keen on the UK being bold. I quite like all of both
"ubuntu" and "uk" being the same font size, weight and boldness. It
seems to be unbalanced when the weight / size and boldness are
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