[ubuntu-uk] Checking to make sure you are safe...port checking etc.

Markie mark.curtis.1970 at googlemail.com
Fri Apr 23 16:58:43 BST 2010

Hi John,

> Now that is interesting. I did all the checks, and came back telling me I
am 100% in stealth, but I still failed because they could ping me.

Some routers by default block "WAN pings" some do not. My Sky router has a
field called "respond to ping on WAN port" its checked off. I passed the
test with all my ports in stealth mode. Basically the check at the link rob
passed runs a port scan against the WAN side of your router. This is if your
are connected via a router. If you connect directly via a USB modem or a
Cable modem then it will scan your PC directly.

> Plus, it was a bit strange because on one of the things it said 'it was
unusual to find a windows machine so completely hidden'. But I'm not using
windows, > I'm using Ubuntu. That is amazing really considering.

:-) I would say that its making an assumption that your running windows.
Lets face it us Linux users are pretty much in a minority at least when it
comes to the OS of choice on the desktop / laptop.


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