[ubuntu-uk] Warning to all users of Samba

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Tue Apr 20 19:23:32 BST 2010

On 20/04/10 19:14, Daniel Case wrote:

> Never, ever leave Samba open without due care and attention, all too
> often i see people telling others to install Samba without warning them
> of the possible implications, many people
> are quite lazy, and instead of settings everything up, will just check
> the "Allow guest access" button.
> What i wasnt aware of, is the fact that it broadcasts on Port 139, went
> straight through my routers firewall and allowed everyone on the
> internet to access my entire home folder.

What router do you have?

I have the bog standard Netgear router which Virgin supply with thw 
20Mbit cable service.

I've just run a check with Shield's Up and it reports back...

"Your Internet port 139 does not appear to exist!"


"Unable to connect with NetBIOS to your computer."

Saying that though, the router would need to know which of my 7 machines 
to forward port 139 to.

I can see how this could happen if port forwarding was specifically 
setup to forward port 139, or if a machine's IP address was specified in 
the router's DMZ configuration (I believe on some routers, there is an 
option to make an IP address a default for all ports to be forwarded 
to), but I've not come across it as being a default setting, not to say 
that it doesn't happen though.

I dare say it's also a good idea to make sure you're not forwarding 
ports say when using a dialup or mobile broadband connection (or maybe a 
USB ADSL modem or a PC plugged directly into a cable modem without a 
router or firewall in between the PC and modem).


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