[ubuntu-uk] Firefox wont open up since yesterdays nightly update

John Matthews jakewc2 at sky.com
Thu Apr 15 10:13:54 BST 2010

I dont uswe noscript either, not sure what it is. Its only since a 
nightly update a couple of days ago, and it seems to be a bit more 
widespread than that now, as I can read some pages in Chrome or 
Chromium,, and what is most frustrating I cannot access my admin section 
of wordpress for some reason. I am pretty certain its flash problem. I 
was able to watch it, even it did jump around the page. Now nothing. 
Cant use FF at for any pages with flash on them now.


On 15/04/10 09:34, Markie wrote:
> Sounds very similar to "noscript" which I think will do the same thing 
> except that it stops lot of other site scripting. Also are you going 
> via any proxy servers? I had a similar problem a while ago and someone 
> on the #ubuntu-uk IRC channel told me its likely a proxy, following 
> their advice i took any proxy out of my gnome proxy settings and 
> firefox and connected directly to BBC iplayer site and i could view 
> the content just fine.
> Thanks

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