[ubuntu-uk] The tablet everyone is talking about..

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 14:43:34 BST 2010

On 08/04/10 14:36, Paul Morgan-Roach wrote:
>     Ahhh i see, i have uploaded the tutorial to my blog:
>     http://www.newforumnetwork.com/joggler
> Daniel, just to clarify is that working *with* sound?  I'm tempted to
> give this a go next week, but have been enjoying using the upnp playback
> that works out of the box on the joggler and I'm loath to do anything
> with it until the sound issues are resolved!

You are not affecting the Joggler itself at all.

Just booting it from an external stick.

The base OS and bootloader are still on the system. Take your stick out 
and you have a Joggler back.


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