[ubuntu-uk] Podcast on Google Listen

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Sun Sep 20 17:19:47 BST 2009

Stephen Garton wrote:
> Afternoon all,
> I've just installed Google Listen on my Android phone, and I can't 
> find the ubuntu-uk podcast on it :-(
> Does anyone know if it (Listen) is like itunes, and feeds have to be 
> 'submitted'? I've found a couple of the BBC podcasts I listen to on 
> there, but not sure how the search works.
> Steve Garton
Not sure but I dare say you should be able to manually add the feed 
(this is what I did on my Nokia).  Doing a search for Linux on the Nokia 
Podcasting app came up with a completely different podcast (non Ubuntu 
related) which I'm going to listen to.


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