[ubuntu-uk] gopenvpn

Kaushal Shriyan kaushalshriyan at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 18:21:11 BST 2009


I am using gopenvpn gui (http://gopenvpn.sourceforge.net/) to connect
to multiple vpn servers. It works
fine. There is a issue. The issue is that the internal name servers
doesnot get populated in /etc/resolv.conf file. I am using Ubuntu 9.04

so i am not able to browse some internal sites
is there a way to populate the internal nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf

With Network Manager, the internal Name servers are populated in
/etc/resolv.conf but i cannot simultaneously connect to multiple vpn
There is a Bug for it

Please guide/suugest

Thanks and Regards


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