[ubuntu-uk] dead netbook

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Tue Sep 8 09:22:42 BST 2009

Bruce Beardall wrote:
> Pressed the power button on my Acer Aspire One this morning and the 
> button light goes on followed by the whirring of the fan but that's 
> it. Not even a BIOS to hack into.
> Any ideas?
> Anyone heard of this happening to other Aspire Ones?
> It's currently got Jaunty installed which was running fine - the only 
> different thing I've done was play with a live USB Puppy Linux 
> yesterday evening. Seems unlikely that that fried everything.
> Cheers
> Bruce
Hi Bruce,

I've heard about Aspire One machines dying before, IIRC it was something 
to do with the BIOS.  You could try this - 

Worth a shot, and it appears it can be done through Linux (just put the 
files on a FAT formatted USB stick).

Hope this helps.


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