[ubuntu-uk] Internet via Nokia e63 on Bluetooth

Chris Rowson christopherrowson at gmail.com
Sat Sep 5 16:03:25 BST 2009

> Hi folks,
> About a month ago I got a Nokia e63 phone on a Three contract.  As part
> of the contract I get 1GB of internet allowance which works great on the
> phone.
> However what I'm trying to do is connect to the Internet via the phone
> using a Bluetooth connection (I've yet to get a USB cable).

Hey Rob,

Just be careful about falling foul of mobile contract rules on
'tethering' if you're not on a 'mobile as a modem' plan.

I think three does a separate tethering plan here:

I don't know if they'd be able to find out if you had been tethering
off contract, but I seem to remember noticing that if you do it
through the standard nokia app, it chooses a different connection to
the standard '3' one you connect to when browsing mobile internet.


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