[ubuntu-uk] 9.10 won't connect to Windows shares on network

Paul Roach roachy at roachy.net
Fri Oct 30 10:23:16 GMT 2009

Likewise with a fresh install here - works fine.  Were the problem machines
upgrades by any chance?

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Alan Lord (News) <alanslists at gmail.com>wrote:

> On 30/10/09 08:04, Gordon wrote:
> > 9.04 connected to windows shares both on XP and Win 7.
> > Upgraded to 9.10 yesterday, all I get is the error" Cannot mount
> > location failed to retrieve share list from server"
> I have a fresh 9.10 install and can browse and mount shares on my Samba
> server. Not sure if this helps but thought I'd mention it anyway.
> Al
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