[ubuntu-uk] Good old Dell!

etali etali at myth-games.com
Tue Oct 27 09:51:15 GMT 2009

Sean Miller wrote:
> Erm, why would being "new to using computers" mean you'd be better to
> choose Windows??
> http://www1.euro.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/windows_or_ubuntu?c=uk&cs=ukdhs1&l=en&s=dhs
> Sean
While I agree that page is terribly written, and in places, plain wrong 
(one of the other pages in the Windows or Ubuntu section implies that 
'email' is a Windows only program), I can understand that one 
sentiment.  If you're totally new to using computers, you might go to 
WHSmiths or Maplin and pick up some random bargain bin software that is 
designed for Windows and doesn't really get on with WINE.

Until the average consumer is willing to do some basic research 
(something my brief experience in retail made me lose faith in), I think 
Dell are right to warn people.  They definitely could have been more 
careful with their wording though.

Lesley Harrison

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