[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu on the BBC!!!

Paul Sutton zleap at zleap.net
Wed Oct 21 18:01:59 BST 2009

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Liam Wilson wrote:
> Neil Greenwood wrote:
>> 2009/10/21 James Milligan <lake54 at lake54.com>:
>>> Apologies - sent that a little early!
>>> He did go on to talk about it a little bit, but it did come across as
>>> a geek OS, he said that 'people' just want something that works, and
>>> don't have to fuss about with it.
>>> All in all, I do have to say that Windows 7 is very nice compared to
>>> Vista.
>>> James
>>>> Did anyone else watch BBC News this morning?
>>>> Whilst showing off Windows 7, the tech correspondent showed a Mac with
>>>> Safari open on ubuntu.com
>>>> Didn't actually mention the name etc, but said about other OSes.
>>>> James
>> On BBC Breakfast, Rory Cellan-Jones was demonstrating multi-touch on
>> Windows 7. He said he normally uses a different system, then went on
>> to say that Apple were trying to spoil the launch by announcing new
>> products recently, and that free software was going to celebrate the
>> launch of a new Ubuntu version next week (he pronounced it right too)!
>> Cofion,
>> Neil.
> Yeah, but he also sort of played it down a bit by just dismissing it as 
> "A bunch of enthusiasts trying to persuade us..." and then basically 
> just dismissing it completely!
> I also noticed dell has done this a little on thier Windows Vs. Ubuntu page:
> http://www1.euro.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/windows_or_ubuntu?c=uk&cs=ukdhs1&l=en&s=dhs
> I also noticed it spelt programs wrong xD
it may be worth clicking on feedback adn commenting,

This seems more like MS FUD, than facts, but by commenting we can set
the record straight, open office can load / save office 07 files for
example, Ubuntu is for more than just programming, even though that
option is nice, something I can't use windows for unless i buy more

Ubuntu may not be able to run MS office directly but it can using
crossover office,  or install Open office which I assume by 3.1 can now
open / save office 07 file format.  Odf is also an ISO standard, so that
may be significant, or pushing it a bit too far for them to cope with.

Perhaps we can work out what to write here, submit that,


- --
Paul Sutton

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