[ubuntu-uk] Right way to completely remove Evolution?

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 08:32:43 BST 2009

On 08/10/09 20:54, Dean Sas wrote:
> Rob Beard wrote:
>> Gordon wrote:
>>> I hate it! Apart from the fact that it won't synch properly with Google
>>> calendar, even though it's supposed to....
>>> What's the correct procedure for completely removing Evolution from
>>> Remix 9.04?
>> I vaguely remember reading something that Evolution is part of the
>> ubuntu-desktop meta package and if you remove it then it'll either
>> remove a whole load of other things or make it hard to do an upgrade,
>> although I could be wrong, I've just run
> Evolution is just one front end to evolution-data-server, try removing
> that and you lose gnome-panel (calendar when you click on clock) and
> other pieces.
>> Personally I don't use Evolution, I tend to use Thunderbird instead,
>> although I don't remove it normally, according to apt-get, removing it
>> will only free up a paltry 12.5MB.  Hardly seems worth my while.
> I agree, why care? If it's really annoying then just remove it from the
> menus.

If you take your time and go through Synaptic selecting individual 
Evolution related components you can remove quite a bit of Evolution 
related stuff without breaking the desktop. But it is a right PITA and 
something I wish was less integrated into the Gnome Desktop. (Or 
conversely, that other email/communication clients were able to be 
similarly integrated into the Gnome Desktop).

I also prefer TB and have been using the TB3 nightly builds for a few 
months now. It is now at beta4 and should be released fairly soon. Loads 
of improvements and the comparable Lightning Calendar extension works 
well too.

In fact I am just installing it on my Karmic netbook.



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