[ubuntu-uk] Update Manager hanging -- how to terminate it?

Martin Meredith mez at ubuntu.com
Fri Oct 2 07:54:55 BST 2009

On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 07:33:34AM +0100, Alex Birchall wrote:
> Hello,
> My Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 server alerted me to 20 updates this morning
> and I responded by installing them, but now 60 minutes later Update
> Manager is still hanging.  How can I terminate it? I've tried
> right-clicking on the icon in the task bar and choosing Close, but this
> seems to have no effect.
> I should be most grateful for any tips.

I'm a little confused as to why you have a server running a GUI, but the easiest
way to kill any GUI program is to switch to the window, then hit alt+f2 to bring
up the run dialog, type in "xkill" (Without the quotes) and then click on the
window that's hanging
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