[ubuntu-uk] how to set up a dial up connection

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Tue May 26 12:55:05 BST 2009

Farran Lee wrote:
> sorry, an extra bit I forgot to mention - it is a BT DSL modem, using
> broadband, but the computer DIALS UP to the connection.

Hi Farran,

Appologies if you've already fixed it, I've been away a week and I'm 
playing catchup with my e-mails.

Anyway, if the modem is a BT Voyager 105 USB modem as provided by AOL 
and a couple of other ISPs then maybe this might help...


If it's a Thompson/Alcatel SpeedTouch 330 USB modem then this might 
possibly help (bit out dated but it's worth a look):



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