[ubuntu-uk] Problems with watching training videos on Ubuntu

Matthew Daubney matt at daubers.co.uk
Tue May 5 10:59:09 BST 2009

On Tue, 2009-05-05 at 10:51 +0100, John wrote:
> In windows, I dont have any problems watching embeded videos of any 
> form, but in Ubuntu, for some reason, it doesnt even like me going to a 
> page with videos. Can somebody point me in a direction to ry get these 
> to work?

Hi John,

If you go into Applications -> Add/Remove, then change the drop down box
from Canonical-Maintained Applications to All Applications and search
for flash. It should come up with Macromedia Flash Player, which you
want to install. Also make sure Gnash and swfdec are unticked. Then
apply changes. You may need to restart firefox to get it to recognise
the changes. 

If it's fully embedded video, not just flash, then I'd recommend the
mplayer plugin for mozilla. Works a treat for me, but may not be anyones
cup of tea.

-Matt Daubney
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