[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu 8.10 and WG111v3

Michael Holloway michael at thedarkwinter.com
Fri Mar 20 10:26:37 GMT 2009

You say that the DNS stopped working? It doesn't seem likely.

Can you ping your router via the IP address?
`ping` (or whatever) should work regardless of DNS, while 
`ping my.router.com` (whatever your routers dns name is) relies on DNS. 
`ping www.google.com ` will resolve the IP address (which takes <1
second if DNS is working) and then used the cached IP address.

If you can ping your router and not the outside world, then it may be
DHCP problem. Either its not assigning you an IP address correctly, or
perhaps the wrong gateway. What is the output of 'ifconfig' when you are
in this state?

Also: when it comes to wireless problems, its often good to get the
latest firmware for your router. Amazingly this solves connectivity


On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 10:12 +0000, Toby Satchell wrote:
> Hi,
> I have used this dongle before and it worked, can't remember the specifics.
> But, now the network connects and is authenticated I use WPA, yet
> after a very brief second or two when traffic can be sent and received
> ( Learned by setting ping going before and during connection to the
> wireless network) it appears as though DNS has stopped allowing look
> ups.
> It isn't the router as I have have not changed anything on that and
> DNS works fine for wired connections.
> I have tried this tutorial, but to no avail.
> Does anybody have some advice on how to fix it.
> I am busy this afternoon and evening so the latest I can next test is tomorrow.
> Thanks,
> Toby.
> -- 
> Toby Satchell BSc (Hons)

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