[ubuntu-uk] BBC won't support Linux

Tim Dobson lists at tdobson.net
Tue Mar 17 00:14:41 GMT 2009

Matt Jones wrote:
> However, would it have been possible to create such a thing in an
> entirely FOSS manner? 

I haven't looked at the game play of the controversial game, but maybe 
blender? Apricot project - apricot.blender.org is completely F/LOSS.

I'm not a games dev, or anything like that, so whether or not it would 
be feasible (not to mention desirable) is a good question.

It would be amazingly cool to see them developing on a platform like 
that though! :)


If each of us have one object, and we exchange them, then each of us
still has one object.
If each of us have one idea, and we exchange them, then each of us now
has two ideas.   -  George Bernard Shaw

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