[ubuntu-uk] Website Hacked.....
Sean Miller
sean at seanmiller.net
Sun Jun 28 12:57:23 BST 2009
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 12:08 PM, alan c<aeclist at candt.waitrose.com> wrote:
> LeeGroups wrote:
>> As the old saying goes, you get what you pay for.
> I have not used that old saying much at all since I started using linux
I've been stung a few times when it came to hosting... there was a
"company" called (names changed to protect the innocent) Poorwebspace
that I bought a reseller package from for a year or so... they had
this incredibly vibrant community forum and it was a great time, I
learned a lot and made many friends... but when it came down to the
crunch the whole thing was basically some fella in Wales and his
I remember at one stage the girlfriend (who doubled up as the support
contact) was moved from "support" to "accounts" due to some customer
"making unnecessary sexual advances" or something.
Must be hard, eh, if you pretend to be a large company, think you've
"got it good", and folks are flirting with your girlfriend!! You
would "move her to accounts", I guess... or perhaps send her down to
Tesco to buy some more cans of beer ;-)
The internet, eh! Love it or loathe it you can't ignore it.
ps. if anybody wants webhosting give me a shout. I don't have a
girlfriend, but I do have a server and a cat who sometimes visits.
You can flirt with the cat if you want, but just remember - Tesco Own
Brand doesn't do... if you want to really win the cat's heart it has
to be Whiskas.
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