[ubuntu-uk] change from 9.04 to 8.10

mac ammonius.grammaticus at gmx.co.uk
Thu Jun 18 19:22:15 BST 2009

norman wrote:
>> Which how-tos did you follow, and in what exact way did they fail?
> There is only one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom and I do not
> understand it (see my reply to Sean)

I suggest you install Hardy 8.04, and have a look at


This installs the stable linuxwacom- driver, which should work OK 
with 8.04.  (Favux's post briefly discusses various issues with driver 
versions and version of Ubuntu.)

BUT at step 6 DON'T do

sudo cp ./src/2.6.27/wacom.ko /lib/modules/`uname 

rather DO

sudo cp ./src/2.6.24/wacom.ko /lib/modules/`uname 

because the Hardy kernel is 2.6.24 not 2.6.27.  (This line is copying a 
file from the appropriate folder in linuxwacom-0.8.2-2/src/, and the 
various folders have the names of the kernel versions.)

And use the xorg.conf sections I posted to you in the 'wacom bamboo' 
thread, rather than the one used in Favux's Ubuntu Forums HowTo.  Favux 
uses /dev/input/by-path, and the screen coordinates (TopX, TopY, 
BottomX, BottomY) for an HP TX2000.  Your Bamboo doesn't need them, and 
they'll cause confusion.  So just insert my 4 wacom sections near the 
start of xorg.conf, and my ServerLayout section at the end.

If you get completely stuck, contact me off list and we can arrange to 
discuss by phone.


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